Vreemd: Springende lowriders

Bron: www.youtube.nl

Men nemen een auto, heel veel onderdelen en je bouwt hem om tot springende lowrider. Vreemde hobby toch? Er zijn best veel mensen die hier hun zaterdagmiddag mee doorbrengen. Er zijn zelfs wedstrijden waarbij het er om gaat zo hoog mogelijk te springen.

De originele tekst:
Lowriders are vehicles that have been modified with
hydraulic or air bag suspension systems which enable them to be
lowered within a fraction of an inch off the ground or possibly
bounced so that the front end of the car comes completely off
the ground.

The word "lowrider" is also used to refer to those who drive or own
such cars. They are flashy, show-quality custom vehicles.
The exteriors typically feature expensive custom paintjobs
(the best are often referred to as candy) that consist of
several thin layers of different colors, metal oxide flake or pearl
flake, clear coat, metal leaf, airbrushed murals or script, pinstripes,
flames or any other hand-painted graphics,
or any combination of the above.

Many Lowriders feature custom hydraulic suspension or an air
bag system that allows the driver to alter the ride height at will.

These systems range from simple to complex and are usually measured
by the amount of switches used to control the various hydraulic
combinations that produce a specific motion from the
